Sunday, January 22, 2012

Farm Animals...and People

 I laughed when I saw this! It's probably the elementary art teacher in me, but hopefully it'll put a smile on your face too. Josh and I are almost finished ordering all of the seeds of the season. We're approaching our goal for CSA members and we'd appreciate you sharing our information with friends and family, coworkers, etc. In addition to getting a tons of great veggies at your weekly pick-up, we'll be having a few potlucks for the members this summer. Just think... delicious home cooked meals made from Soil Power Farm food, sun and a warm breeze, families getting to know each other and maybe toss around a few horse shoes. We might even have to get a little crafty and make some candles, etc. Because we're a smaller CSA, it's going to feel like a neighborhood, or a group of friends in vegetable club. I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone.                                    I'm probably supposed to keep this a secret, but there's some very hush-hush talk about the possibility of a farm square dance this spring...doesn't that sound like fun! I'll be sure to share more information with you soon.

Also, for those of you who might be wondering about the name, I wanted to share some ideas about it. I think the first thing that comes to mind for most people is probably some sort of super hero, or a hippy farm where everyone wears bellbottom overalls and tie-dye bandanas. While these are amusing, Josh's vision for the title was meant show that the farm and the vegetables are "run on soil power" (versus wind power, solar power, etc.) It's the dirt (with some help from the sun and rain) that causes everything to grow. And in turn, its the vegetables that power us, give us energy and nutrients. I like it. And if you'd still like to picture us planting and harvesting wearing a cape and tights, that's fine too. 

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