Thursday, January 12, 2012

Living Better in 2012

Hey there, this is Beth (Josh's fiance.) I'll be taking over the blog posts for a while as Josh keeps busy milking cows twice a day in addition to all the fun and exciting planning we're doing for the upcoming growing season.

Josh and I have been talking about new years resolutions and goals lately. Usually a big part of mine is to live better (more sleep, less stress, better food to give me energy, regular exercise, etc.) These are the kinds of things that help me feel great so I can work hard and play hard. Joining a CSA is a great way kick start the year with a healthy choice. You get a large variety of nutritious vegetables (and a few fruits) that haven't been sprayed with chemicals. I find that a CSA gets me excited about food, wanting to try new recipes that utilize the beautiful and delicious ingredients; everything tastes so fresh and flavorful! If you haven't tried a CSA before, we want to encourage you to go ahead and take the plunge. We'll make sure to share all kinds of great tips and recipes to prepare meals with your share. Nervous about how much food you'll get? Find a friend or co-worker to split a share with you, or we can help match you up another member.

We read Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver last year and really enjoyed it. It's about eating local and in season and about how it can transform your life and your relationship with food.
Below is a recipe from the book that you can make with fresh, local ingredients next summer...maybe even pick up some local eggs from the farmer's market.  You can learn more about the health benefits of chard here.

(This recipe makes dinner for a family of four, but can easily be cut in half.)
2 cups uncooked brown rice
Cook rice with 4 cups water in a covered pot while other ingredients are being prepared.
Olive oil Рa few tbsp 1 medium onion, chopped, and garlic to taste Saut̩ onions and garlic in olive oil in a wide skillet until lightly golden.
Carrots, chopped 1⁄2 cup dried tomatoes Add and sauté for a few more minutes, adding just enough water to rehydrate the tomatoes.
1 really large bunch of chard, coarsely chopped Mix with other vegetables and cover pan for a few minutes. Uncover, stir well, then use the back of a spoon to make depressions in the cooked leaves, circling the pan like numbers on a clock.
8 eggs
Break an egg into each depression, being careful to keep yolks whole. Cover pan again and allow eggs to poach for 3 to 5 minutes. Remove from heat and serve over rice.

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